Welcome Dr. Josh Corn!

by | Sep 25, 2019 | Men's Health, News, NWIM Talk

Hi! I’m Dr. Josh Corn, a naturopathic primary care physician specializing in evidence informed, body positive, integrative treatment approaches. I strive to take the time to get to know you, discussing your concerns, goals, and questions at each visit. I believe in a team-based approach and want to empower you to make changes in your life that will improve your physical, mental, and social health. To make sure you have a plan that is right for your individual needs, I utilize everything from herbal formulas to diet recommendations to conventional pharmaceutical medications in my practice.

I grew up in the magical mountains of western North Carolina. At a young age, I became fascinated with my mother’s herb garden. I remember reading every book on herbs our local library had, spending time in the garden, and practicing how to use these plants. I never dreamed that one day, I would be able to use plants to heal people. My journey to naturopathic medicine has made this dream a reality. And while herbal medicine is a large part of traditional naturopathic medicine, I believe naturopathic medicine is deeper than any of the treatments we use – this medicine is all about getting to know patients and working as a team to improve health.

At Northwest Integrative Medicine, I focus on primary care, men’s health, chronic disease management, cardiovascular conditions, and weight-neutral nutrition and exercise counseling. My top priority is making sure my recommendations are based on the best available scientific and historical evidence. I have a master’s degree in integrative medicine research and have worked as a clinical investigator on numerous research studies. I practice “body positive medicine,” emphasizing health and wellness for every patient, no matter their weight or body size. My goal is to bring high quality, compassionate, informed care to all his patients.

In addition to my work at Northwest Integrative Medicine, I teach men’s reproductive health at National University of Natural Medicine and biomedical science at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. I also provide naturopathic services at Volunteers of America Oregon Men’s Residential Center, a residential substance abuse rehabilitation facility. Outside work, I enjoy hiking and camping in the great outdoors across the Pacific Northwest, exploring Portland’s food scene, powerlifting, and talking about North Carolina.

I’m very excited to join the team at NWIM and start meeting with patients. I want to listen to your story and work together to change your health. Come talk to me and let’s get to work.


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