Dr. Adam Sadowski Completes His Two-Year Residency at Northwest Integrative Medicine. 

by | Sep 15, 2022 | News

To my Northwest Integrative Medicine patients, it has been a great honor and a sincere privilege to have taken part as a provider in your health journey, and for many of you, to serve as a member of your clinical team. 

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity. It is with both great excitement and sadness I inform you that I will be transitioning from Northwest Integrative Medicine to another clinic to complete my 3rd year of residency.

As of October 1st, I will no longer be providing services at Northwest Integrative Medicine and will be a full-time clinician at Well Life Medicine. Should you request to continue seeing me at my new location, I can be contacted at the following locations:

  1. 1174 Cornucopia St NW Ste 204, Salem, OR, 97304. Phone: (971)-301-4411
  1. 256 SE 2nd Avenue, Hillsboro, OR, 97123. Phone: (971)-301-4411

Please find more answers on the transfer of your care here. If you still have any unanswered questions, I encourage you to call and talk to one of our amazing staff: (503) 855-4341.   

Thank you again, and I wish you all the best.

In health,

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Dr. Adam Sadowski 


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