How We’ll Transfer Your Care From Dr. Stephanie Culver and Dr. Adam Sadowski

by | Sep 15, 2022 | News

Patients continuing care with Northwest Integrative Medicine will be transferred into the capable hands of one of the following practitioners:

Jordan McLendon, ND

  • Naturopathic primary care physician specializing in mental health, sleep, women’s health, including menopause care and hormone management, LGBTQ care and endocrine balance. Performs injection therapies.

Tediana Torrens, ND

  • Naturopathic primary care physician with a strong focus on pediatric care, women’s health including hormone management, LGBTQ care and neurodiversity. Performs injection therapies.

Courtney “Katie” Pickworth, ND

  • Naturopathic primary care physician with a passion for supporting physical and mental health using weight neutral (Healthy at Every Size), trauma-informed, patient-centered care.

Christopher Randolph, ND

  • Naturopathic primary care physician serving patients of all ages, genders, and needs.

Dr. Oni Gilmore, ND

  • Naturopathic physician with a love of pediatrics and women’s health, though she also greatly enjoys practicing family medicine with patients of all ages, genders and needs.

Maeghan Culver Cook, ND

  • Naturopathic primary care physician whose chief work is with integrative pain management, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue.

All scheduled follow-up visits and future healthcare appointments will be transferred to the compassionate, gracious hands of the providers above.  

If you have an outstanding lab order, image order, or any other investigations, please call our main line at (503) 855-4341 to schedule a follow-up appointment so your new provider can address these with you.  

Our aim is to ensure you receive the best possible care, and that this process is completed as smoothly as possible. As such, if your care will continue at Northwest Integrative Medicine, you do not need to call us to transfer your care to one of the above practitioners. The process will happen automatically, and we are individually determining the best fit for each patient.   

All existing prescription refills will still be available at your established pharmacy.  

New refills may require an in-office visit with your new practitioner and will otherwise be filled without excess delay or new paperwork, and bridge prescriptions can often be offered to ensure no gaps in your care.    

Contact the front staff for Northwest Integrative Medicine at 503-855-4341 with any questions or concerns. 

If you utilize CHARM’s EHR Messaging, please message Mary for questions regarding prescriptions and referrals, and Elia for scheduling.  

Everyone at Northwest Integrative Medicine is dedicated to helping you navigate this transition and schedule any follow-up appointments. Please know that every practitioner at Northwest Integrative Medicine is committed to your health and wellness.  

If you are no longer continuing your care at Northwest Integrative Medicine  

We want to thank you so much for entrusting your care to our clinic, and we deeply regret that we can no longer serve as your healthcare providers.  

It is of the utmost importance to us that we furnish you with the best resources we can offer to help your transition into new care. To that end, we have compiled a list of alternative healthcare providers. 

The above list includes information like the insurance each provider takes and their specialties. 

All patient records are available to be sent to any new provider as soon as signed permission (usually in the form of a Release of Information form) has been received. Records may also be release to individuals, however medical records copy release fees may apply.  


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