Do Surgical Procedures Hurt?

by | Mar 16, 2022 | NWIM Talk

Minor surgical procedures like skin biopsies, mole removals, cyst removals, abscess drainage, toe-nail removals, etc. are commonly performed procedures by our fantastic team of clinicians here at Northwest Integrative Medicine.

BUT, without fail, the most common question patients ask is, “Will this hurt?”. The truth is, yes and no. However, we do as much as possible to minimize any pain.

Once you have an adequate amount of a local numbing agent applied to the area, you will not feel any pain during the procedure, but you may feel a pressure sensation, some tugging, or pulling but NOT pain. Depending on the procedure, and how long it takes for the numbing agent to wear off, you may feel some throbbing or discomfort that should respond to basic pain control with ice, Tylenol, or ibuprofen.

The process leading up to and the initial administration of the local anesthetic itself may be uncomfortable for many people for a few reasons:

  • The anticipation or unknown of what is going on or will happen. Often, describing the procedure itself can sound scarier than what is happening or how quickly procedures can take.
  • If you’re afraid of getting your blood drawn, or you’re afraid of needles, this is often the worst part of the entire procedure because the numbing agent used, is injected with a SMALL needle.
  • The numbing agent is slightly acidic, so, you may feel a stinging or burning sensation for a few seconds before the area being operated on goes numb, and you no longer feel anything.
  • The initial poke of a needle can be discomforting, which is why we use a “freeze spray” to distract the poking sensation of a needle.

Overall, the anticipation and initial poke is the most unsettling part of a procedure. The actual procedure itself should not be a painful process, and before the procedure is ever performed, our fantastic team of docs regularly checks in to make sure you are adequately numbed and don’t feel a thing.

Have more questions? Concerns? Need something to get looked at but can’t get in to see a dermatologist? Schedule your visit with the Northwest Integrative Medicine Team today!


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