Our online Medicinary is getting an upgrade!

by | Aug 1, 2019 | News

FullScript allows your provider to write prescriptions directly from your chart, which means you will see up to date recommendations in your patient portal.

FullScript also allows you to set up recurrent deliveries. In other words, you can have automatic refills set up on longer term prescriptions so you never miss a dose.

We continue to discount our supplement costs to all of our patients to help make things more affordable. For patients with low income or who are on OHP, be sure to ask your provider about discount offers available so that these can be applied.

If you have been getting supplements through our previous provider, NP Scripts, you should be receiving an email shortly to help you in your transition to FullScript. If you would like to set up a new account for your supplements, you can do so here: https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/nwim

Let us know what you think!

Health & Happiness,
The NWIM Team


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