Medicare & Naturopathic Coverage

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Insurance

Navigating Medicare is no easy feat! There are all sorts of options, from supplemental “Medigap” coverage to advantage plans, each with specific pros and cons to what they cover and the costs associated with them. Generally speaking, Medicare, including Medicare supplement policies do NOT cover Naturopathic physicians.  However, many Advantage Plans (Medicare Part C) in the state of Oregon DO cover naturopathic care.

By law, Advantage plans must be at least actuarially equivalent to Original Medicare, but they can also provide additional benefits, such as dental, vision, hearing, transport, and even health club memberships. For those that cover naturopathic physicians, visit costs are often limited to only a co-pay.  Currently Open Enrollment is taking place and you have until December 7th to join or change your plan.  You can find details of plans in their area at While this is a very comprehensive website, interpreting the details and knowing what to look for is not simple.

Again, navigating this system can be very difficult.  If you are primarily covered by Medicare and would like to find out how to get naturopathic medicine covered, please consider working with Lou Ogden.  Mr. Ogden serves on the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians and is actively engaged in helping others get the coverage of naturopathic physicians that they are seeking.  We have no financial ties to Mr. Ogden but believe he can help you find good coverage.  His contact information is below.

If you would like to check to see if our providers are covered, our clinic and provider information is available in our Insurance Verification worksheet

Lou Ogden
21040 SW 90th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062
Phone 503-692-0163
[email protected]



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