COVID Testing & Quarantine Update

by | Jan 14, 2022 | Coronavirus

As we experience this most current wave of COVID-19 infections and other viral illnesses, we felt it was important to share the current guidelines.

Regarding testing: Please be aware that many testing sites have run out of (or are extremely low in) rapid COVID tests. This means many sites are only doing PCR testing. And due to the massive influx of COVID cases recently, many testing sites are days behind in getting these tests processed. Please expect delays in receiving test results.

Here are the basics of COVID quarantine and isolation guidelines:

If you have been exposed (been in close contact with someone with known COVID), but are not yet symptomatic. If you are:

– Not up-to-date on vaccines/Unvaccinated: Quarantine for 5 days. Be cautious for 10 days and watch for symptom development during that time.

– Up-to-date on vaccines: No quarantine is necessary. Be cautious and watch for symptoms for 10 days.

– Had known COVID within last 90 days: No quarantine is necessary. Be cautious and watch for symptoms for 10 days.

For any of the above three options, if you do become symptomatic, see below:

If you test positive for COVID or are symptomatic regardless of vaccination status:

Isolate at home for at least 5 days.

Isolation can end after 5 full days if you have been fever-free for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving. Take precautions until day 10.

Isolate for 10 days if you have severe symptoms.

What is the difference between Quarantine and Isolation?

– Quarantine: Separating exposed individuals from those who have not been exposed. Several people can quarantine together. This is done for people who have been exposed though are not displaying symptoms.

– Isolation: Separating sick individuals with suspected or known COVID from others. Those in isolation should isolate alone. This means that they should be kept alone, even if they live in a home with others. This can look like having their own “sick room” and others in the household should be wearing masks when they need to be around the sick individual.

***Day 0 is the date of exposure or positive test/start of symptoms. Day 1 is first full day after exposure or first full day after positive test/onset of symptoms.***

So this means Quarantine or Isolation is occurring from Day 0-Day 5. And you should watch for symptoms until day 10.

Everyone in healthcare is doing their best right now, and we appreciate and are grateful for your understanding as get through this extremely challenging time.

Health & Happiness,

Your NWIM Team


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