New Year, New You!

by | Jan 16, 2017 | Insurance, Wellness Exams

With the new year comes New Year’s resolutions, goals and aspirations to help keep us inspired and motivated to improve ourselves, our families and the world around us.  Do you already have one this year or are you struggling to think of one?

If you do have a resolution, I recommend putting the focus of your resolution on exactly what you will be doing to attain a goal, instead of the end goal itself.  An example being instead of “losing 10 lbs this year” focus on “exercising consistently 5x/week”. That way if something gets in the way of your goal – such as going on vacation and gaining a few pounds, it doesn’t cause you to lose your healthy motivation.

Another great way to help achieve your goal is to get your yearly preventative check up with your doctor.  Use this time to talk about any health-related resolutions you may have, it’s a great way to kick-start the year and your resolutions with support and advice.  Another plus – Preventative exams are not subject to your deductible and generally have no co-pay!

Losing weight, becoming more fit, quitting smoking, lowering your cholesterol or improving your blood sugars are some of the most common resolutions we see, but if dealing with a chronic illness or wanting to get off a prescription drug are in your goals, we’ve done that too!  New Year’s detoxification plans can be helpful for a wide variety of health conditions including those mentioned above as well as others so be sure to ask and see if it’s right for you.

Resolutions or not, 2017 will be a year to remember, and we’d love to help you make it your best year yet!

-Dr. True


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