Allergy Relief

by | Mar 4, 2016 | Uncategorized


Allergies are a sign of an over-reactive immune system, and can occur at any time in life.  Pollen and other airborne particulates irritate the upper respiratory tract and cause immune cells to release substances such as histamine and leukotrienes which lead to congestion, sneezing, runny noses and itchy/watery eyes.

So what can we do?  A first step is avoidance.  Start by avoiding the offending allergen (if known).  If it’s pollen, that means staying indoors, keeping windows closed, removing the offending plant from your yard or home and purchasing an air filter rated for pollen.  Saline nasal rinses such as a Neti-Pot (using distilled water) can also be helpful.

Rather than recommending an anti-histamine (such as Benadryl, Claritin or Allegra) or a nasal steroid (such as Flonase), our goal with patients is to find out why their immune system is over reacting to the substance.  A number of organ systems, if not functioning properly, could be the problem.  An exam or testing is needed to determine which ones may be at fault for each patient:

The digestive system: The largest portion of our immune system is our guts.  If food is not being digested properly, its breakdown products cause irritation of the ecosystem and immune system.

The liver: Responsible for properly processing and removing the immunoglobulins, histamines and other chemicals which trigger the immune response.  If the liver is unable to efficiently do this, they will be allowed to circulate causing reactions of the immune system to continue.

The adrenal glands: These small glands sit atop the kidneys and make hormones including cortisol, the “stress hormone”. When stress levels are high, this leads to thinning of mucosal surfaces (including in the GI tract and respiratory tract).  These mucosal surfaces provide a layer of protection over the immune systems preventing them from becoming overly-reactive.  In addition to this, healthy adrenal glands maintain a normal immune system.

The immune system: Many nutrients and minerals are important to a good functioning immune system (such as vitamin C and zinc). If any of these nutrients are deficient, that can lead to weak immune function or even a hyper-reactive immune system causing allergies or even auto-immune disease.


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