Where is Dr. Culver?

by | Oct 1, 2018 | News

Dear NWIM patients,

As you know, I take great pride in my performance and quality of work at NWIM. Regretfully, unforeseen pregnancy complications have necessitated I start an early maternity leave.

While I’m away I will not be available to patients. Email and Charm messages will be checked infrequently and should not be used for medical issues. For urgent needs please contact NWIM directly (see below). Urgent concerns will be triaged and relayed to me as necessary. Otherwise, my responsibilities will be managed by the wonderful remaining staff and physicians.

I have spoken with several of you individually in regards to what provider you would fit best with during my absence. I have every confidence in our physicians to continue your care.

I expect to be out of the office beginning September 17th with a tentative return of December 4th.

Thank you for your confidence in my work and your support for the months ahead. I look forward to returning soon.

For appointments/rescheduling and medical concerns please call 503-855-4341
For medication refills please contact your pharmacy
For administrative/business concerns please contact Dr. Maeghan Culver


Dr. Stephanie Culver


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