Vaccines: What should you ask your doctor?

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Pediatric Care, Vaccination

There are so many issues to navigate as a new parent, not the least of which is the topic of vaccines. Here are few discussion points that can be really helpful to discuss with your provider when trying to make vaccine-related decisions.

What are the risks and benefits of a delayed vaccination schedule?

Many parents these days are opting to delay vaccines past the CDC recommendation of 2 months. A delayed schedule means a child would receive all the recommended vaccination starting later than 2 months old. It can be helpful to have a provider’s guidance when making choices about when to vaccinate.

What are the risks and benefits of an alternative vaccination schedule?

Similarly, to a delayed vaccination schedule many parents are now choosing to do an alternative vaccination schedule. This means choosing to do less than the recommended amount of vaccines at one time. Many well baby visit include doing 3-4 vaccinations at one time. An alternative schedule might be to do 1-2 vaccines at a time and come more frequently.

What are the risks and benefits of a selective vaccination schedule?

Some parents choose to omit certain vaccines. There are a wide variety of ways to approach this method and one size does not fit all. Some considerations for parents thinking about selective vaccination schedule: does your child have MTHFR defect? Is your child immunocompromised? Has your child or first-degree relative had any negative vaccination reactions? Which childhood diseases is my child most likely to be exposed to?

If I choose a delayed, alternative, or selective vaccination schedule or not to vaccinate, can my child go to day care/school?

The answer to this questions varies by state. Your doctor should be aware if you live in a state where philosophical and/or medical vaccine exemptions are permitted and what paperwork is involved if they are your child qualifies.

What is the prevalence, route of transmission and complications of the diseases vaccinated for?

It is important to be aware of how many people are infected with a particular disease nationally and in your state each year, how childhood diseases are spread, and complications that can happen if your child were to get that disease. If you are choosing a delayed, alternative, selective schedule or not to vaccinate it is important to educate yourself to make a fully informed decision.

What are the mild, moderate, and severe reactions associated with the vaccination for a given disease?

The bottom line is that no vaccination comes without risk. Each vaccination has common, moderate, and rare reactions that are associated with them. Extreme reactions are rare but can occur and it important to educate yourself about these possibilities.

Do you offer delayed, alterative, or selective vaccine services at your clinic?

This is a good question to ask before choosing a provider. This will vary by provider but there are many providers who will offer these schedules.



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