Staffing Notice

by | May 3, 2019 | News


It is with heavy hearts we write to inform you that beginning May 15th, Dr. True will no longer be with Northwest Integrative Medicine. This has happened suddenly and unexpectedly, and we are working to help our patients who were seeing Dr. True transition to other providers within the clinic in order to maintain a sense of continuity in their care. We are deeply sorry for the confusion and impact this has had on our patients, as our mission as a clinic is to keep your care at the center of focus.

Unfortunately, we don’t know where or when Dr. True will be seeing patients next. We understand this is frustrating and is beyond our control.

Moving forward, our staff and providers will be reviewing Dr. True’s patient files to help coordinate the best possible fit. For those who have upcoming scheduled appointments with Dr. True, our front staff will be calling you over the next few weeks to help reschedule your appointments. Our clinic has always functioned as a team with high levels of collaboration in our patient’s care and many of you have worked one on one with other providers in our clinic. We hope that this will ease the transition.

While transition is always challenging, we are working diligently to ensure that this has as little impact to your care. Our clinic continues to offer hydrotherapy treatments and interpretation of Food Intolerance Evaluations; these services have not been impacted by Dr. True’s departure.

For supplement, herbal tincture, and homeopathic refills, please contact our office. We will be happy to assist you.

For medication refills, please contact your pharmacy and your pharmacy will notify us. Please allow a minimum of three business days for refill requests to be addressed. A Northwest Integrative Medicine provider will make sure you do not have lapse in your medications and will refill as appropriate. Please be aware that you may require a follow up appointment with a new provider for certain medications.

For follow up appointments, please call the front staff who will help direct you to the appropriate provider who will best be able to manage your ongoing care.

If you have specific concerns with your transition of care, you are welcome to reach out to me here through the patient portal or email me at [email protected]. Our staff is also available during business hours at (503) 855-4341.

Thank you for your trust and gentleness during this abrupt transition; your patronage means so much to all of us.

Dr. Maeghan Culver
on behalf of our Entire Team

Northwest Integrative Medicine

PH) 503.855.4341
fax) 503.741.2184
19365 SW 65th Ave #209
Tualatin, OR 97062


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