Dr. Colleen Amann-Shah | Primary Care in Portland

by | Feb 24, 2025 | Uncategorized

Dr. Colleen Amann-Shah offers primary care in Portland with over 13 years of experience.

A Personalized Approach to Primary Care

Dr. Amann-Shah is passionate about helping patients make sustainable changes to improve their health. “I’m definitely a cheerleader for my patients,” she says. “I think that’s really important. Change is incremental—it’s hard sometimes. We make great changes, and they’re hard to sustain, but when you have a support system in place, it’s easier to sustain.”

Her approach emphasizes long-term relationships with patients, ensuring they feel supported throughout their health journey. “I really want to follow patients throughout their health journey, and when you have a relationship with someone who can kind of coach you and help you on that journey, those changes become more sustainable and health outcomes are better.”

Four Foundations of Health

When it comes to improving well-being, Dr. Amann-Shah highlights four key pillars that can dramatically impact health:

  • Quality Sleep – Essential for hormone regulation, brain function, and overall recovery.
  • Nutrition – Prioritizing whole, real foods for sustained energy and balance.
  • Movement – Staying active in a way that feels good for your body.
  • Stress Management – Implementing strategies to support emotional and physical resilience.

While she prescribes medications and naturopathic therapies when necessary, she firmly believes that lifestyle changes lay the foundation for optimal health. “I do prescribe medication, I may prescribe naturopathic therapies as well, but really focusing on [the] four things will get you a long way.”

A Holistic Perspective on Primary Care

Dr. Amann-Shah integrates both conventional and naturopathic medicine, tailoring treatment plans to fit each patient’s unique needs. She recognizes that some patients prefer to explore natural solutions, while others may benefit from medication.

“I do tend to lean more towards traditional medicine in terms of treatment plans when they’re necessary,” she explains. “Naturopathic medicine really focuses on lifestyle, and we have the time to coach people on that. Whereas if you see a traditional medical doctor, they might have 15 minutes with you, and the only thing they can do in that time is a brief, ‘Here’s a medication,’ maybe a brief mention about diet and exercise.”

Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, she ensures her patients are given options that align with their health goals. “I think it’s really important for a provider to meet patients where they are. If somebody really does not want to do medication, I’m going to talk to them about other alternatives. If they want medication, we’ll talk about medication. I want to give them both those options and explain why.”

A Passion for Learning and Mindful Living

Beyond her medical practice, Dr. Amann-Shah has a unique passion—wine certification training. While it may seem unrelated to naturopathic medicine, she finds that the careful attention to detail in wine tasting has influenced her approach to patient care.

“One thing that has changed for me doing my wine certification training—maybe it doesn’t apply exactly to naturopathic medicine—but it’s definitely made me slow down and approach things more thoughtfully,” she shares. “Because when you’re wine tasting, you know, you’re smelling, you’re tasting, you’re trying to discern small little notes and differences. In life, you kind of have to slow down and be thoughtful and mindful to discern things.”

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’re looking for a naturopathic doctor who truly listens, supports your health journey, and empowers you with personalized care, Dr. Colleen Amann-Shah is now accepting new patients at Northwest Integrative Medicine!

Because it’s easier with a little help

We blend conventional medicine with the natural options you’ve been waiting for your doctor to bring up — herbal medicine, nutrition, supplements, unique therapies, mind-body, and lifestyle.

Become a New Patient


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