Meet Dr. McLendon!

by | Feb 6, 2020 | Practitioner Spotlight

Jordan’s spark for medicine began long ago during her undergraduate education in Florida where she worked in a pathology lab and became fascinated by nature and the human body. Then began her journey towards medicine, where she found a passion for mental health, dermatology, and the sleep sciences along the way! She has had hands-on experience in behavioral health and substance abuse, where she learned that everyone has their own unique experiences which form the lens through which they see the world. She has seen patients bloom when treated with genuine care and compassion and hopes to be able to serve her patients in this same way.

You may have seen her before around NWIM, acting as a medical intern, but she will now also be accepting new patients!

One area she is excited to start working in is that of sleep medicine and helping people optimize the rest they receive while they sleep. As a former shift worker, Dr. McLendon knows first-hand what it is like to be sleep deprived and how that can wreak havoc on one’s physical and emotional body. No matter what your schedule demands, she will work to help you find the best plan that meets your needs and provides you maximum rest.

She is excited to start working in this new role with the wonderful team here at NWIM and hopes to get to meet you soon! If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call our office at (503) 855-4341.


This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other health care worker.
Never dis­re­gard pro­fes­sional med­ical advice or delay in seek­ing it because of some­thing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call your doc­tor or 911 immediately.
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