Subtly Allergic to Your Favorite Foods & Don’t Know It

by | Jun 5, 2024 | Uncategorized

Being Subtly Allergic to Foods Can Impact Your Health

Could you be allergic to your favorite foods? Allergies can come in multiple sizes, big and small. Most of us are familiar with severe food allergies and their consequences. But small food allergies can go unnoticed, even as they make you feel rundown, sick to your stomach, mentally fatigued and other sometimes subtle symptoms.

Embracing Summer’s Bounty

With the arrival of summer and all its glorious sunshine, our food choices significantly improve. This season offers a variety of ripe fruits and vegetables, making it the perfect time to assess which foods make you feel great and which ones might not be serving you well.

Beyond Traditional Allergy Testing

When you visit an allergist, you typically undergo one type of food testing—IGE-mediated allergy response. This test is associated with common allergens like peanuts or shellfish, which cause immediate reactions such as swelling, itching, or rashes. Most people are aware of these types of allergies.

However, the food reactions I’m referring to are more nuanced. They don’t have an immediate impact on the body but can cause issues over a long period. This is where IgG antibodies come into play. IgG is a long-acting antibody that can increase, especially with foods you consume regularly. These food-sensitive allergic responses can result in:

  1. Digestive Issues: Bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, or stomach pain.
  2. Headaches and Migraines: Frequent headaches or migraines.
  3. Fatigue: Persistent tiredness or fatigue.
  4. Skin Problems: Eczema, rashes, or acne.
  5. Joint Pain: Unexplained joint pain or stiffness.
  6. Mood Changes: Anxiety, depression, irritability, or mood swings.
  7. Respiratory Issues: Congestion, runny nose, or chronic cough.
  8. Brain Fog: Difficulty concentrating or feeling mentally “cloudy.”
  9. Weight Fluctuations: Unexplained weight gain or loss.
  10. Sleep Problems: Insomnia or poor-quality sleep.

The Advantage of IgG Testing

One significant benefit of knowing that IgG tests exist is the reduction in guesswork regarding food sensitivities. With testing, you can pinpoint which foods you frequently consume might be causing problems and focus on eliminating them from your diet. Without testing, you’re left to figure out which of the numerous foods you eat might be the culprits.

A recent study conducted by Dr. Anthony Lembo of the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic suggested IgG-guided elimination diets showed promise in alleviating the symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

The Cumulative Effect of Food Sensitivities

It’s important to understand that food sensitivities are cumulative. If you’re sensitive to more than one food, it becomes much harder to identify issues without testing. While IgG antibody testing isn’t typically covered by insurance, it has become more affordable and accessible. New technology has made these tests more reliable, even for individuals with conditions like leaky gut or SIBO, which previously made it difficult to use these tests effectively.

Personalized Dietary Guidance

If you’re looking to create a healthier diet, understanding which foods to include and which to avoid is crucial. Schedule an appointment with one of our providers here at Northwest Integrative Medicine, and we can help you determine the best diet for your specific needs.

Contact Us

Interested in scheduling an appointment? Call us at 503-855-4341. We look forward to hearing from you soon and helping you achieve better health through personalized dietary guidance.

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