Naturopathic Doctors for Providence Health Insurance

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Uncategorized

In a 2020 meta-analysis, nearly a quarter of all patient complaints in primary care were attributed to listening, respect and communication. Patients voiced frustrations about not being heard about their own illnesses, feeling rushed during appointments, and perceiving their doctors as focused solely on immediate issues rather than overall well-being.

Dr. Maeghan at Northwest Integrative Medicine (NWIM) faced these very challenges in her own healthcare journey. “Naturopaths are trained to listen and consider,” she explains. “One of our most valuable diagnostic tools at NWIM is listening to what the patient has to say, and then caring about their whole person.”

A commitment to attentive, holistic care marks NWIM’s stark contrast to the hurried, impersonal interactions that dominate traditional primary care. Here are four more reasons why NWIM might be the perfect choice of doctors for Providence patients looking for comprehensive and compassionate primary care:

Choosing NWIM

At NWIM, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our integrative approach combines the best of conventional medicine with evidence-based naturopathic therapies.

  1. Comprehensive Care: Our naturopathic doctors provide treatment plans that include dietary advice, supplementation, herbal remedies, sleep health, lifestyle changes, in addition to prescription medications, scans, and referrals.
  2. Extended Visit Times: Unlike many primary care practices, we offer 75-minute initial visits, and 45-minute follow up appointments. And that is the time you spend in the room with your doctor.
  3. Better Health Outcomes: Our integrative approach leads to superior health outcomes. Our patients enjoy better overall health and wellness compared to national averages.
  4. Accessibility: NWIM ‘s providers are credentialed to see a range of Providence plans, and our providers remain available to schedule follow up appointments or send messages through your patient portal.

Specialized Services

We offer a wide range of services to address diverse health needs:

  • Integrative Digestive Care: Personalized treatment plans for conditions like IBS, GERD, and food intolerances.
  • Diabetes & Cardiovascular Care: Comprehensive management and prevention strategies.
  • Mental Health: Integrated approaches to mental health care for adolescents and adults.
  • Pain Management & Sports Medicine: Combining conventional and naturopathic treatments for effective pain relief.
  • Women’s Health: Comprehensive and personalized care addressing the unique health needs of women throughout all stages of life (from 12 and up).

What to Expect from Your Visit

When you visit NWIM, you can expect a thorough and caring approach to your health. Here’s what a typical visit involves:

  • Initial Consultation: Our approach begins with a detailed discussion about your health history, current concerns, and health goals. This includes a comprehensive review of your medical history and current lifestyle, covering sleep patterns, nutrition, daily habits, stressors, and many other areas. We may also collect lab work to assess how your body is functioning and possibly order scans or imaging. If necessary, we may consult with specialists to further investigate any issues.
  • Comprehensive Treatment Plan: Our naturopathic doctors strive to find the simplest and safest ways to address your health concerns. Prescription medications, imaging and referrals used by conventional primary care physicians are one set of tools they use. But our naturopathic doctors also consider many other evidence-based treatments that might suit you. This can include evidence-based herbal medicines, mental and physical therapies, and supplements to correct lab-confirmed nutritional deficiencies.
  • Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support through regular monitoring and follow-up appointments. The doctor may suggest regular checks to see how well the treatment is working and make any needed adjustments. Scheduled follow-up visits help manage your condition effectively and address any changes in your health promptly.
  • Referrals: Our naturopaths understand their limits and will refer you to specialists, such as allergists or oncologists, when needed. Their goal is to work as part of your healthcare team, recognizing that they are part of a larger effort to help you achieve your health goals.

Meet Our Team of Experts

Dr. Maeghan focuses on integrative pain management, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue, and works to understand patient priorities while also taking care to ensure long term health goals are in place.

Dr. Mary takes a whole-person approach to your well-being. She values your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. By combining these aspects, she provides care that promotes not just healing but also a vibrant, resilient life.

Dr. Jennifer Samson is a board-certified Naturopathic Physician who combines evidence-based medicine with naturopathic philosophies to help her patients address the cause of their health concerns and achieve their goals

How to Get Started

If you’re looking for naturopathic doctors for Providence Health Insurance, NWIM is here for you. Getting started is easy:

  1. Schedule an Appointment: Call us at (503) 855-4341 or use our New Patient Fast Track form to book your first appointment.
  2. Prepare for Your Visit: Fill out your digital paperwork online via your phone or computer.
  3. Begin Your Journey to Better Health: Experience the NWIM difference and start your journey to holistic wellness today.

Ready to Try Primary Care the Right Way

At Northwest Integrative Medicine, we’re here to help you understand your health better. Give us a call, or use our New Patient Fast Track link below, if you are excited about naturopathic primary care—we’d be happy to chat with you and help you find the answers you need.

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Become a new patient today using our New Patient Fast Track

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  1. “Patient Complaints in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Coding Taxonomy.” PubMed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 Nov. 2019,


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