Allergies and Acupuncture

by | Feb 22, 2018 | Uncategorized

With Whitney Green Acupuncture

Location: Northwest Integrative Medicine
19365 SW 65th Ave #209
Tualatin, OR 97062

Date: March 29th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm

What is Acupuncture? 
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin stainless steel single use disposable needles to specific points on the skin. Depending on the individual patient and their Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, specific acupuncture points are used to assist in promoting blood circulation, balancing the body, and promoting natural healing.

About Whitney:
Whitney is a native Oregonian and loves spending time outdoors and cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. She enjoys traveling and experiencing new places and cultures. She has lived in Australia and spent significant time in Central and South America. This has given her a great appreciation and understanding for diverse backgrounds and Spanish proficiency.

She specializes in chronic and acute pain for both men and women, due to sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, arthritis, and repetitive movements or activities that have lead to pain. Also specializes in women’s health, digestive health, and stress relief. She believes it is important to work with you as an individual, making changes that are reasonable and sustainable to meet your individual health goals.


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